Fine Tuning Emergency Medicine: Amplify Your Performance

MAY 3-6, 2020


Roneet Lev, M.D., FACEP

White House Office of National Drug Control Policy


Dr. Roneet Lev is the first and newly appointed chief medical officer of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, ONDCP. She is charged with providing medical leadership in coordinating drug policy across the federal government. Most recently Dr. Lev served as the chief of the emergency department at Scripps Mercy Hospital in San Diego. She is currently president of IEPC, Independent Emergency Physicians Consortium which represents 30 emergency departments in California. In 2012, she established the San Diego and Imperial County Prescription Drug Abuse Medical Task Force with the goal of reducing deaths and mortality from prescription drugs. Her program on safe prescribing in the emergency department
won the 2014 National Association of Counties award. She has conducted research on deaths from prescription drugs and correlation to PDMP reports known as the death diaries. Dr. Lev is passionate for the prevention and treatment of drug abuse.